The music of Lafawndah, also known as Yasmine Dubois, has played at fashion shows from Chanel to Kenzo, in the French Pavilion at the Venice Biennale, or landed on annual best-of lists. Lafawndah's path to her current incarnation as a devoted pop polymath has been as unpredictable as her compositional style. She explores everything from robust, pop-oriented melodies to minimalist sonic strains. In 2020, she released her second LP, The Fifth Season, and once again received critical acclaim. Lafawndah has recently collaborated with artists such as Theon Cross, Lala &ce, Tirzah, Laurel Halo and Moor Mother. After several appearances at festivals last summer (Terraforma, Sonar, Draaimolen), the tireless artist returns to the stage with drummer Sébastien Forrester.
Door opening: 20:00
Concert: 21:00
Following the concert, Mavi Chan will play a DJ set at Stall 6.
The music of Lafawndah, also known as Yasmine Dubois, has played at fashion shows from Chanel to Kenzo, in the French Pavilion at the Venice Biennale, or landed on annual best-of lists. Lafawndah's path to her current incarnation as a devoted pop polymath has been as unpredictable as her compositional style. She explores everything from robust, pop-oriented melodies to minimalist sonic strains. In 2020, she released her second LP, The Fifth Season, and once again received critical acclaim. Lafawndah has recently collaborated with artists such as Theon Cross, Lala &ce, Tirzah, Laurel Halo and Moor Mother. After several appearances at festivals last summer (Terraforma, Sonar, Draaimolen), the tireless artist returns to the stage with drummer Sébastien Forrester.
Door opening: 20:00
Concert: 21:00
Following the concert, Mavi Chan will play a DJ set at Stall 6.