In the second installment of our series Poetics of Refusal, focussing on artistic and political incidents of refusal as a "critique of violence" of racial, patriarchal capitalism, esteemed poets and researchers Lola Olufemi and Sumia Juxun will delve into the generative and poetic dimensions of acts of refusal. In each of their contributions, they will explore from different angles, how these acts play a crucial role in creating space for alternative modes of existence and interaction. In a shared conversation, Lola and Sumia will examine the notion that acts of refusal not only dismantle existing structures but also serve as catalysts for the emergence of new worlds.
In her Intervention Lola Olufemi will explore the affective textures of refusal, (what are the dimensions of "no", what do they offer?) and its relationship to the imagination. Playing with narrative form and cultural production, it will think through the structure of political will and the ways it informs resistant and revolutionary action.
The poetic performance of Sumia Juxun emerges from the transformative rituals of departure to the rituals that compel us to refuse, disrupt, grieve, mend, and dream in search of the possibility of living differently. Drawing from the evocative traditions of Sudanese Aghani Al-Banat and Somali Buraanbar as modes of creative inquiry, this reading invites the audience to reflect on acts of refusal within their own bodies and lives.
18:00 Lecture Lola Olufemi
18:40 Poetic Performance Sumia Juxun
19:30 Conversation Q&A
The Series Poetics of Refusal at Gessnerallee focusses on artistic and political incidents of refusal as a "critique of violence" of racial, patriarchal capitalism. The first installment started with myth-analysis fascism with Kandis Williams and Klaus Theweleit (Cooperation with Curatiorial Studies MA ZHdK). The third event on may 25th will turn to refusal in Black Aesthetics with Rizvana Bradley and Henrike Kohpeiss
In the second installment of our series Poetics of Refusal, focussing on artistic and political incidents of refusal as a "critique of violence" of racial, patriarchal capitalism, esteemed poets and researchers Lola Olufemi and Sumia Juxun will delve into the generative and poetic dimensions of acts of refusal. In each of their contributions, they will explore from different angles, how these acts play a crucial role in creating space for alternative modes of existence and interaction. In a shared conversation, Lola and Sumia will examine the notion that acts of refusal not only dismantle existing structures but also serve as catalysts for the emergence of new worlds.
In her Intervention Lola Olufemi will explore the affective textures of refusal, (what are the dimensions of "no", what do they offer?) and its relationship to the imagination. Playing with narrative form and cultural production, it will think through the structure of political will and the ways it informs resistant and revolutionary action.
The poetic performance of Sumia Juxun emerges from the transformative rituals of departure to the rituals that compel us to refuse, disrupt, grieve, mend, and dream in search of the possibility of living differently. Drawing from the evocative traditions of Sudanese Aghani Al-Banat and Somali Buraanbar as modes of creative inquiry, this reading invites the audience to reflect on acts of refusal within their own bodies and lives.
18:00 Lecture Lola Olufemi
18:40 Poetic Performance Sumia Juxun
19:30 Conversation Q&A
The Series Poetics of Refusal at Gessnerallee focusses on artistic and political incidents of refusal as a "critique of violence" of racial, patriarchal capitalism. The first installment started with myth-analysis fascism with Kandis Williams and Klaus Theweleit (Cooperation with Curatiorial Studies MA ZHdK). The third event on may 25th will turn to refusal in Black Aesthetics with Rizvana Bradley and Henrike Kohpeiss